by Buck Samrai | Nov 6, 2012 | Business Start-up, Customer Experience, Freeing up time, Great Service, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
You have the latest iPhone, Android, HTC (insert whatever brand you carry). You love it. It can do so many things. You can check email, play games, connect on social media, read the paper, take photos – all from wherever you find yourself. When you think about it, all...
by Michelle | Oct 30, 2012 | Business Start-up, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
Last post I wrote about the 7 benefits of working from home – and I’m sure I missed many more benefits. However, in the interests of balance – I thought I’d also point out the downside of working from home. You’re the first (only) one called if your children (or other...
by Buck Samrai | Oct 23, 2012 | Business Start-up, Outsourced Admin, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
Today I wanted to talk about quitting. There seems to have been quite a bit written about trying something and quitting quickly and often if it’s not working out. Even more so in a business setting. That, my friends is a furphy! Succeeding in business, despite what...
by Michelle | Oct 11, 2012 | Business Start-up, Customer Experience, Great Service, Phone Answering, Women Business Owners
Over the last 12 months or so the string of poor profit results seen by the retail sector and the resulting wailing by behemoths David Jones and Myer and the like might lead one to believe that ‘retail’ in Australia was dying. And yet, there are droves of European...
by Buck Samrai | Oct 9, 2012 | Business Start-up, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
Technology is a wonderful thing! Where once we were confined to the four walls of corporate offices and by being geographically close to our clients, team and/or suppliers, now we can work from almost anywhere, with almost anyone with a minimum of fuss. So if you’re...
by Michelle | Sep 20, 2012 | Business Start-up, Outsourced Admin, Women Business Owners
Someone once said the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, or now. The same can be said for starting, building or growing a business. it’s easy to bemoan that you should have done x or y last week, last month or ten years ago and hindsight has always been a...
by Buck Samrai | Sep 4, 2012 | Freeing up time, Outsourcing, Small Business Planning
Last post, I wrote about an issue many business owners face – finding the time to spend working on, rather than just in, their business. If that’s you too, don’t worry, you’re far from alone. Today, you’ll find some practical ideas for how to claw some time in your...
by Michelle | Aug 21, 2012 | Building Leverage, Do what you're great at, Freeing up time, Outsourcing
5 Ways to Create Leverage for Your Business If you’re an entrepreneur, especially if it’s your first venture, you most likely started your business on a tiny shoestring and are likely tobe doing most, if not all of the work yourself. It’s great that you’re prepared to...
by Buck Samrai | Aug 7, 2012 | Customer Experience, Great Service
Hooray SOI finally has a new website! It’s not completely perfect yet – there are still some little tweaks to be made here and there, but it’s significantly better than our old one – which to be fair served its purpose well, but it had more than served its time....
by Michelle | Jun 12, 2012 | Uncategorised
Building a successful business can be one of the most thrilling things in life. And everyone you meet along the way will have a different point of view of what works and what doesn’t. Having worked with small business owners for the last 20 years – these are the...