by Michelle | Aug 14, 2019 | Flexibility, Freeing up time, Life Balance, Phone Answering, Uncategorised
Running a small business is hard work. For many, both men and women, the work seems to outweigh the reward. But It’s okay because running your own business delivers a great big dollop of work-life balance, doesn’t it? Actually, according to the ABS, no, no it...
by Michelle | Aug 9, 2019 | Do what you're great at, Flexibility, Freeing up time, Life Balance, Outsourced Admin
Yes, it’s the season to be jolly and most of us are flat out with Christmas shopping, finalizing holidays, hosting/attending parties – personal and professional. Oh and then there’s the crazy business ‘miracles’ that need to be performed before the world...
by Buck Samrai | Aug 8, 2019 | Do what you're great at, Freeing up time, Life Balance
Balance, schmalance: Why Swedish Lagom is better for your business Now you’re probably thinking what the heck is Lagom? Lagom is a Swedish word meaning ‘just the right amount’ (aka enough, sufficient, adequate). In other words, rather than ‘balance’ which is almost...
by Buck Samrai | Nov 2, 2018 | Business growth, Entrepreneurs, Flexibility, Freeing up time, Health, Life Balance, Outsourcing, Women Business Owners
Are you finding yourself tied to a desk? Can you remember the last time you took a break? A healthy share between both work and life commitments is important in maintaining levelheadedness, productivity, and a positive wellbeing. Aim to improve your work and life...
by Buck Samrai | Oct 13, 2018 | Building Leverage, Business growth, Business Owners, Flexibility, Freeing up time, Life Balance, Phone Answering
While many small businesses enjoy the benefits of working from home in today’s online world, not many actually know about virtual services, or how a Virtual Office can help grow your business. Whether it be having someone answer your phones to free up your time,...
by Buck Samrai | Jul 23, 2018 | Business growth, Business Owners, Business Success, Life Balance, Phone Answering, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
Business growth can mean many things to different people. Generally, it relates to a stage where businesses prioritise what is important and expand on them. Business growth can mean: increasing cash flow or sales revenue reducing expenses to improve your bottom line...