by Buck Samrai | Apr 30, 2013 | Entrepreneurs, Great Service, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
Given every news channel has been talking about the potential for increased conflict with North Korea for the last couple of weeks, I thought now might be a good time to visit how to deal with conflict. Although the potential for conflict exists in every workplace,...
by Buck Samrai | Mar 12, 2013 | Do what you're great at, Entrepreneurs, Freeing up time, Outsourced Admin
I saw a short, but wonderfully inspiring, video this morning that I had to share. It’s by an eight or nine year old child. Yes, you read that correctly. He’s in primary school – scripted, probably – but boy is he good. And wise, oh my goodness. Although...
by Buck Samrai | Feb 5, 2013 | Business Start-up, Entrepreneurs, Freeing up time, Life Balance, Phone Answering, Women Business Owners
You’re back in the office. The sun is shining, you have exciting business plans for 2013 and all you need is a week in a vacuum to get yourself sorted. What you’ve got, however, is ringing phones, 10 more phone calls to return, a mountain of emails, harried customers...
by Michelle | Dec 11, 2012 | Business Owners, Business Start-up, Business Success, Entrepreneurs, Small Business Planning, Women Business Owners
Being able to create new business opportunities is the absolute lifeblood of any business and the business owner. These days so many people rely on technology (email and websites) to do the majority of the work. And frankly who likes calling prospects anyway. But...