10 Lessons for Business Success in 2014

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From time to time on my blog, I’ve talked about taking the time to review where your business is currently at and the end of the year or mid year (aka end of financial year) are often good times for that.

I’m thrilled to say, we’ve had a good solid year this year and we’ve worked with many wonderful clients. But, even better, we’ve seen a great many of those clients go from strength to strength as a result of either moving their business (and their headspace) out of the home office or from outsourcing the tasks that slow them down.

And for me that’s one of the best parts of what we do – help businesses grow.

But as I sit here reflecting on the year just gone, rather than reviewing the business per se, I thought I’d share with you what I’ve learned from operating my business this year.

10 Lessons from 2013 for 2014 Business Success

1.   Sometimes despite the best laid plans and determination to execute, ‘stuff’ (the technical term for life) gets in the way. And when that happens, all that you’re required to do as a business owner is to just keep trekking forward – even if it’s just millimetres at a time. Forward is a win. Maybe the universe is taking you in a different direction or teaching you a lesson you need in order to get where you’d planned on going. Either way, all experiences count towards future success.

2.   No business owner does really well without support. I learned this lesson early in my biz life and now I’m blessed to say I have a truly wonderful team that supports me, the business and our clients on site and virtually. I’ve watched this time after time with our clients.

3.   An idea isn’t really worth anything until someone makes it happen. Even so-so implementation is worth a million times more than the worlds best idea without implementation.

4.   Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. You’ll marvel at what happens after that.

5.   Celebrate ALL of your wins – even if they’re small.

6.   Sometimes people let you down. It happens. But just because one person doesn’t live up to your expectations, doesn’t mean people in general should be tarred with the same brush. Keep the faith and expect great things from everyone and the greater majority will deliver.

7.   If someone does let you down, it’s probably not your fault. It’s entirely far too easy as a business owner to take responsibility for everything. Work on the fact that their inability to deliver speaks more about them than it does about you. Otherwise, it can do your head in.

8.   The devil is always in the detail – make sure you check yours. A wise friend once told me to put well thought through agreements in place for every business relationship to make sure nothing was left to chance. That way everyone is very clear on where they stand should a problem arise.

9.   Ask yourself will doing the task you’re putting off be the best use of your time. I think we’ve all suffered from this at some point time. If not, decide to either not do it at all, or, if it really has to be done, outsource it.

10.  That will leave you free to leave a moment or two open on your calendar to dream big. In a world of often manic busyness, we often forget to indulge in fantasy. Those fantasy moments can result in new business ideas, solving that problem that’s been plaguing you for months, or just allow you to breathe and de-stress.


Well, that’s it from me for another year. I hope you have a great break. You are taking one aren’t you!! Here’s why you might reconsider if you were planning on working through.

If we can help you grow your business in 2014 with the right space for your office or your meetings, virtual assistance or answering your phone, we’d be delighted to talk to you.

From the team at SOI, I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and May all your dreams business and personal come true in 2014.


Article by Buck Samrai

December 20, 2013