5 Questions to Ask When Looking at your next Office for Rent

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If you’ve been looking to move your business into an office for rent, make sure to ask these important questions before crossing the t’s and dotting the I’s.

Finding the perfect office to meet your needs is not always a case of simply Googling ‘Office for rent in Sydney’ and can sometimes be a stressful experience overall.

However, when you’re prepared with the right questions to ask, this process becomes a thousand times easier.


How Much is Your Monthly Rental?

Renting an office can be expensive, but it’s an investment in the success of your business. And while it’s an investment, you need to be sure that it is a justified one.

Make sure that the monthly rental amount is indicative of the office’s location, reflects any amenities that you may make use of and, finally, is an amount that you can comfortably afford without accidentally bankrupting yourself.


What Amenities are Included in Your Monthly Rental?

Offices today are often equipped with all sorts of add-on’s like a shared receptionist, tea’s, coffee’s or other beverages; and even access to private tenant-only facilities like bars or gyms!

While those extras are great, you need to make sure the basic amenities are included.

You need to know what amenities you’re actually paying for. Features like security or designated parking spots should be included in your monthly rental, so be sure to double check this.


Does the Location Meet Your Needs?

The location of an office can make or break any business. Your office needs to be situated in a place that your customers or clients would feel comfortable visiting. It should also be conveniently located near places that you yourself frequently visit like shopping malls, petrol stations and your favorite coffee shop.


Who Else Is in the Building?

The last thing you want to do is become your biggest competitors’ next-door neighbor!

Find out what other businesses occupy the offices around you and make sure that you won’t be putting your own business through any undue stress.


…And What do They Think?

While you’re viewing the property, take a look around and see if you can find a tenant who has been renting one of the offices for a decent amount of time.

Ask them questions that your agent won’t be able to answer such as:

  • Have you ever had any issues and if so, how were they resolved?
  • What are the neighboring tenants like?
  • Is there enough visitor’s parking available?


Final Thoughts

Now that you know what questions to ask before sealing the deal, it’s time to find your perfect office!

SOI Consultants would be happy to help you with this process when you are looking at your next office for rent and would be honored to watch you and your business flourish.

Article by Michelle

September 24, 2019